When Life - Introduction to the Soul'ful Series

Last month, I was blessed with the opportunity to team up with Lucky Soul USA for some great giveaways to our followers. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t very familiar with the brand, but of course I am so new to social media anyways, I feel like a kid discovering something new every day. For others who may not know, Lucky Soul USA, is an inspirational apparel brand based in Los Angeles, California. What drew me in to really wanting to collaborate with them was their mission to bless others. They are heavily involved with charity organizations in their area, from the Make-A-Wish Foundation to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. And if you know me…a former Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Nurse, this was right up my alley. I was won over quickly just by that alone.

However, it wasn’t just their mission that I loved. It was the backbone and driving force behind the brand. Yes, they were blessing others. But, they were also touching souls.

How do When Life and Lucky Soul USA fit together? When Life is about connecting, inspiring, and encouraging others through storytelling. I want you to feel empowered to find your voice and share your story. On this journey of collecting stories, I have noticed one thing to be true. There was a soul in that story that broke free, that overcame, that grew stronger, that proved someone wrong…that lived to tell about it. There were souls in those stories that struggle still but are trying their best. There were souls that did not make it, and a broken soul is writing for them. When Life is about storytelling. Lucky Soul USA is about identifying that soul and showing it to the world. Find your soul. Write your story.

Their belief is that you are defined by 3 souls; your spiritual, rebel, and warrior soul. Everyone can identify with one or more of these souls at some point in their journey, and what I have seen is that more often than not, it is one of these souls that are behind the pen when someone is writing their story. No matter what type of situation they were sharing, the storyteller was speaking from a place of spiritual enlightenment or growth; a place of war where they were the soldier, the fighter; or a place of revolution or transformation, be it mind, body, or spirit. There will always be a story to tell when one of a facet of your soul is tested, exposed, or experiences growth.



As I start this Soul'ful series, we will take a deep dive into each of these souls and how it translates into sharing the stories of your life. I will look at my own triad of spirits and how each one helped shape my journey. I have had my spirituality tested this past decade. I have had to fight and be a warrior for my son. I am growing and developing my rebel soul daily. All three were needed in building When Life. I don’t think there was or is a week that goes by that one of these aren’t put to the test. I think as we begin to dissect these, you will be able to see yourself in each one. I truly think that once that happens, you will begin to see your own story unfold.

I plan to wrap things up by talking about finding those that feed your soul. Some people believe in soul mates. I believe in soul tribes. You need, and I repeat, you need, individuals in your life that are going to lift you up and feed your spirit. You need someone that encourages that warrior you have lying dormant. You absolutely should have others in your life that incites the rebel you have inside of you.

When you find this person, or group of people, keep them close.


Much Love,


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