When Life - In the Clouds

Caring for an aging parent can be a daunting task but also a lesson from God.

One of those lessons I learned was this.

While driving my mother to her eye appointment she kept talking about the clouds.

Every comment she made was regarding the clouds; how fluffy they looked, how intertwined they were with each other, the dark and white clouds. After at least an hour of cloud comments I finally said, “Mom you are a little obsessed with the clouds today.” Her response was, “Well I guess you just talk about what you see.”

At the time I didn’t think anything about what she said. But this morning while cleaning my kitchen that still small voice asked me, “what are you looking at?” Oh, my what a question!!

Are my eyes on His word? Do I see what He says about me? Or do I look at the world and see myself through their eyes.

I want to be like my mom and see the clouds. I want to keep His word before my eyes and see what He says.

I want the dark and the light to intertwine in my life. The intertwining of the dark things in our life and the light things make up who we are.

I want to look at these things like my mom and see the beauty in them. God is ALWAYS in control and only by keeping His promises in front of my eyes can I  accomplish whatever He has in store for me. No matter how many dark clouds pop up.

Submitted by: Cathy Braden

This story was written by my mother, Cathy. My grandmother currently lives with her and is basically the last living person in her immediate family. Despite losing her husband, all of her children but my mom, her parents, all her siblings, and several grandchildren, she has always maintained a joyful heart and sunny disposition. She is the strongest and most Godly woman I know. I hope that I too can always look at my life and appreciate the intermingling of the light and dark to see how God is always working for good in my life.

Love and lemons,

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