When Life Gives You Another Chance At Love

My name is Katie. I am a 29-year-old mother of 2 beautiful children, Faith and Braxton. I have been married to my husband for 10 years. I start my story introducing them because, in my heart, that’s where my story truly begins.

I became pregnant with my beautiful miracle, Faith, when I was just 19. After going in for a routine gender ultrasound I found that I would be delivering her the very next day at just 31 weeks. She weighed in at very scary 2 pounds 11 ounces. I spent the next 8 weeks living at the hospital to spend every waking moment with her in the NICU. Finally, on July 11, she came home weighing a whopping 5lbs.

We decided in 2010 to add to our little family. I became pregnant with Aubriana Hope. Yet again at 31 weeks our worlds start crashing down. The doctor told us to come back the next morning to deliver our deceased baby. I sat the whole evening begging for there to be some mistake and praying that I would bring my baby home as I had done before. That wasn’t what happened at all. My daughter was born after 11 hours of labor. I held her for a short while and buried a piece of my heart the next afternoon.

I had all but given up on experiencing the joys of having another baby.

Within 2 months of losing my daughter we were blessed with the realization that we were going to have another baby! Exactly 11 months after losing our daughter, my son, Braxton, was born weighing 9 pounds 4 ounces. My rainbow baby was healthy!! I felt like I had everything I had ever dreamed of.



Things were fantastic for a few years.

In 2015 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

After surgery to remove the growths I was told that I could and should try for another baby if that was an option for us. We were elated when we found out that we were expecting...again. The joy was short lived. Mother’s intuition told me to continue hounding the doctor about my thoughts. They assumed I was overly paranoid about my past experiences and manifesting these symptoms in my head. After begging for additional ultrasounds, the doctor informed me that I had suffered an ectopic pregnancy at 11 weeks. Methotrexate treatments and lots of tears were to follow.

The cervical cancer came back with a vengeance.

At 28, I underwent a hysterectomy ending the struggle. Everything that was meant to break my spirit and my Faith only strengthened me into the woman I am today. When Life gives you a chance at love...take it. Take every chance given to make life better. It’s not always an easy ride but the journey is what makes our story memorable.

As long as my heart beats it will LOVE and love everyone.

Written by: Katie Bug


Thank you Katie for sharing your beautiful story of hope. Your beautiful story of becoming a mother and of your unwavering faith. All I can say is Wow. What you have experienced would break a lot of women, but your story sheds a little light of hope for those women who are walking the path you once tread. You are an incredibly brave and amazing woman.

I love how even after all that you went through, you focus on loving others and not taking life for granted. I pray you always have that spirit within you.

God Bless you Mama!


Lots of love,




It takes a special kind of woman…don’t ever forget that..


My beautiful, brave friend, you are so special.

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