When Life - Getting to know Erica Jane from Erica Jane Health

This week, we are spotlighting the beautiful Erica Jane, from Erica Jane Health. I love supporting fellow entrepreneurs and helping share their story and how they got started. It's an honor to share Erica's journey, and I hope you all enjoy getting to know her like I did.


1. Tell me why you decided to start your business. What inspired you?

Erica Jane Health was a prodigy to my own health and holistic journey. I practice what I preach and as I grew and am growing in my own knowledge and journey it has been so great to support others in meeting their health and wellness goals. I found that a part of the puzzle piece in healing, no matter what you are going through, is what you are consuming and putting into your body. Once I figured out what worked for me and started helping my friends do the same I wanted to create my own practice to help others healing from things like anxiety all the way to overcoming cancer.


2. If a partnership, how did you guys meet? If you have a team, can you briefly explain who all is on your team and their roles?

Just me!


3. Did you always know you were going to be an entrepreneur?

I kind of always did actually! I come from a family of entrepreneurs and I always loved the business world. I love to create things and learn new things. Food and health have been a constant passion of mine over the decade and I knew it was something I wanted to be apart of long term.


4. What did you do before owning your own business?

I still do many things on the side that I have done for years. I have been a model and involved in runway since I was about 16 years old. I rarely model now but occasionally I will do a print lifestyle shoot! I also have been involved in technology start ups focusing on energy efficiency over the past 6 or so years! I still currently am in that world.


 5. What gives you balance in your personal and business life?

Living near the ocean! My work life is almost completely intertwined with my personal life, in a good way! But I would say the balance is in knowing when to shut my phone off and to be grateful along the way.



6. Tell me a little about your family life.

I have a large beautiful family! We are all super close even down to all my second cousins! I currently live in a little simplistic place by the beach in California with my love and I would consider that my most immediate family life. We have a simplistic healthy flexible life that we both have worked hard for. Lots of smoothies, ocean time, and a great community!


 7. What are 5 must haves in your fridge?

Almond or cashew milk, Fresh greens, nutritional yeast, almond butter, and fruit! Outside my fridge, sweet potatoes, bananas, and avocados!!


 8. Do you have any rituals that you practice everyday or each week? For example, journaling, self-care Sunday, working out, etc.…

I am working on making working out an everyday priority because of how good it makes me feel! Even if its a quick beach run to get my heart rate up. The most common routine I have is stretching and having some me time before I start my day. I am a huge journal person and I love to write. It comes with the season though, I have to be feeling inspired to do so, but when its there I love it! Also, baths! I love my epsom salt lavender baths!


 9. What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting a business/blog?

Advice that I am still trying to follow is to be authentic! To just be yourself! You have worked hard to become a master of this topic and don’t be afraid to put it out there :)


 10. As an entrepreneur, how do you unplug from everything?

Spend time on the beach! I also try and schedule technology free days where we wander, eat good food, and don't check the time!


11. Favorite go to dish?

I have so many! Morning smoothies I am big on right now. And salads with a good tahini dressing for lunch!


 12. Favorite movie or song, and why?

I am obsessed with Ben Howard-His entire “Every Kingdom” album. But if I had to pick a song it would be “These Waters” It reminds me of the flow of life. It reminds me of the seasons of life…the hard times to the place of being happy and the spaces in between!



Thank you again Erica for sharing your journey and giving us a sneak peek into your biz!

I wish you nothing but the best!

You can find Erica here:

@ericajanehealth on Instagram and Facebook




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