When Life Gives You a Mothers Hope
This week we've been focusing on the Hope shirt, so when this story was submitted, I knew this was the one to share. It may sound a little biased, but I personally could relate to it. Most of you know my son, Jack, has Autism. When I read this story, it tugged at my heartstrings. With any of our children, you never know where life is going to take them, or what obstacles they may one day have to overcome, however, I think we can agree that as long as they are happy, all is well with our souls too.
Like you, my hope is for my son, Hunter. Until recently, my hope has been for him to be as close to "normal" (whatever that is) as possible. After a lot of testing, evaluations, therapy, and heart to hearts, I'm beginning to realize that all that matters is that Hunter becomes the best Hunter he can be.
A diagnosis doesn't change who he is.
My hope is that he is happy and that his future is everything HE wants it to be.
Thank you Mrs. Braden!
With a mom like that Hunter can be whatever he wants to be. Thank you for sharing